Septic System Pumping

Septic Services in Danielsville, GA and Surrounding Areas

Call us now!
Don’t let sludge build up in your sewer lines. Call Price’s Septic Tank Service for septic system pumping in Danielsville, GA. Septic system pumping is a necessary part of property maintenance because it prevents sludge from building up in your drain-field lines. If you don’t clear out your drain-field lines, your absorption field won’t work properly, which leads to the need for costly line replacement and repair. Don’t take that risk. As a family owned and operated business with over 60 years of experience, we’re your local septic tank experts. Call us today to schedule septic system pumping!

Thorough septic system inspection and pumping

In addition to being your local septic tank experts, every member of our team at Price’s Septic Tank Service is an expert troubleshooter. When we come to your property for a septic tank pumping, we take a close look at the state of your tank and field line and tell you honestly how things are going with your septic system. After we pump your tank, we’ll provide recommendations for any repairs, if necessary. Then we’ll finish up our visit with a certified inspection letter for yourself and anyone who’s interested that we took care of business for you.

Signs you need your septic tank pumped

Has it been a while since your septic tank was pumped? Be on the lookout for the following signs that indicate you need to give us a call to pump your system:
  • Wet spot in your grass
  • A gurgling sink, tub, or toilet
  • Your washing machine spins out and gurgles back into the sink or tub
  • Strange smells inside the house
  • A toilet that won’t drain or flush
  • Water rises in your sink or toilet and won’t drain
If you notice any of the above, call us ASAP! We’ll be at your property as soon as possible to take care of the problem. In addition to septic system pumping in Danielsville, GA, we also handle drain cleaning and grease trap cleaning. With over 60 years of industry experience, there’s no other company you should trust to handle your septic tank. With us, you can expect professionalism, fair prices, and high standards from start to finish.

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Schedule septic system pumping today!

Locations served:  Danielsville - Jefferson - Commerce - Maysville - Royston - Lexington - Lavonia -  Ila -

Homer - Watkinsville - Colbert - Hull - Winterville - Comer - and More!

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